It isn’t easy to stand out in a room full of arrogant cooks on Bravo’s TOP CHEF, but European baldy Stefan is especially impressed with himself, more than any egotistical competitors in the past combined. Congratulations to Stefan and his colossal ego!
Not interested in making friends, Stefan gives his opinion freely (because he’s always right), criticizes quickly (because he’s always right), and is even bold enough to make advances at openly gay chef, Jamie (um, not so right). Jamie, smirking at a homemade teddy bear from her competitor/admirer, just shook her head. “Stefan, come on, does the word lesbian mean anything to you?” Not deterred even the slightest bit, Stefan tried to bribe a kiss from her next!
Other chefs are tiring of Stefan’s cocky attitude, too. During the main challenge, chefs teamed up to cook for show judge Gail Simmons at her bridal shower. As the knife block selection began, Indian chef Radhika was worried, “I would rather be on Satan’s team than Stefan’s.” Lucky for her, she was spared—this time.
Blondie Jeff and smiling Hosea were the unlucky guys to end up in Stefan’s group, enduring two days of their self-obsessed teammate. “Anytime you work with Stefan, you’re going got have major issues,” said Jeff as he put on his apron. “He’s used to barking out orders,” added Hosea, rolling his eyes.
Stefan couldn’t help but feel the other chefs’ annoyance during the wedding shower challenge, but did he care? After badgering his teammates during the menu planning, the grocery shopping, and even the end-of-day relaxing, it was clear that he was unaffected. “Douche-boy Hosea has immunity,” sniffed Stefan with distain. It was the nicest thing he said all day.
As Gail’s bridal shower began, chef teams scurried to get forty-five dishes out the door on time.
The highs: Team Old served a trio of heirloom tomato dishes, including pretty Jeff’s well-received sorbet, which Stefan swore would fail, and Team Borrowed served a lamb dish worthy of ooohs and aaaaahs.
The lows: Team New created an overly complicated self-serve sushi that confused guests. (Native New Yorker Daniel kept adding items, including unasked-for mushrooms, to bug-eyed Carla’s dish). Also, Team Blue had a sad fish dish that prompted this from Tom Colicchio: “It reminded me of blue because it gave me the blues.”
Jamie, worn out from Stefan’s advances and tired of coming in second during the challenges, openly hoped she’d be the big winner. Her teammates though it was her day to shine, and even the judges seemed like they were leaning her way, but when Ariane took the prize for the second week in a row, Jamie’s face said it all. She was so crushed that she turned to Stefan for consolation. Just kidding! She wasn’t that depressed, but it was pretty awful.
Daniel and his crazy mushroom ideas were sent home, resulting in another shocked chef. Whiny Daniel couldn’t understand his departure and compared being asked to leave to a bad call by referees in a football game. All calls by the judges are final, Daniel—pack your knives and go already!
I can’t wait to see what happens next week, when chefs are challenged to cater a huge holiday party for Martha Stewart. Nothing could go wrong there, right? Wrong!
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