When I was a kid, I spent my summer vacations doing things like riding my bike to the park, making friendship bracelets, and reading books at the beach. Back then, that seemed like a pretty good way to pass the time. But now, after watching Phineas and Ferb: The Daze of Summer, I think I may have missed out on some real summer adventures—because not once did I ever host a medieval tournament, build my own monster truck, or travel to Mars.
The Daze of Summer includes five two-part episodes (for a grand total of around 90 minutes) featuring brilliantly enterprising brothers Phineas and Ferb, their far-from-amused teen sister, Candace, and their pet platypus, Perry.
Each day, Phineas and Ferb take off on another imaginative adventure—whether they’re searching for a pirate’s treasure, holding gladiator races in their backyard, or entertaining the entire neighborhood with their very own cirque. Each day, Candace calls their mother to complain about the boys’ out-of-control antics. And, each day, the circus tent, the robot clones, and the carnival rides are long gone by the time their mother returns.
Meanwhile, as the boys are hard at work, Perry (a.k.a. Agent P) takes off on yet another important mission, foiling yet another somewhat-evil plot by his mostly-incompetent nemesis, Dr. Doofenschmirtz.
Though it has plenty of fart jokes and random craziness to keep the kids giggling, Phineas and Ferb: The Daze of Summer is as clever and witty as its eccentric main characters. The humor is smart, the stories are original (despite the show’s regular formula), and the musical numbers (including the full Bollywood production in the final episode) will have you singing silly songs for days.
From Phineas and Ferb’s creative inventions and wildly imaginative adventures to Agent P’s silly secret-agent missions, it’s non-stop action—and non-stop fun. Every episode is even wackier than the last one—and even grown-ups will find it impossible not to laugh out loud.
In fact, though I was once convinced that SpongeBob SquarePants was the funniest thing on kids’ TV, since meeting Phineas and Ferb, I’ve changed my tune. Sorry, SpongeBob—I’ve found a new favorite cartoon.
DVD Review:
Just in case the five episodes featured on Phineas and Ferb: The Daze of Summer aren’t enough to make you want to pick up a copy, the DVD also includes
The Googolplex Mall Science Fair, a selection of three silly DVD games that will have you squinting at blurry pictures, translating text messages, and helping Dr. Doofenschmirtz build The World’s Biggest Baking Soda Volcano-inator. The games may not be especially educational (and your DVD player’s remote might not always do what you want it to do), but they’re worth checking out for some silly fun after you’ve made your way through the entire disc.