As a long-time knitter, I’m all too familiar with the knitter’s stash: the random collection of yarn that has no specific purpose. The yarn that was so pretty—or so cheap—that you just couldn’t pass it up.
Since I learned to sew, I’ve discovered that the idea of a stash isn’t exclusive to knitters; the same goes for those who sew. Though my sewing skills are still shaky, I’m always watching for good fabric sales—and I never visit my favorite craft stores without browsing through the remnant bin. But I was never quite sure what to do with my slowly-growing fabric stash—until I picked up a copy of One-Yard Wonders.
One-Yard Wonders boasts 101 sewing projects that require just one yard of fabric. That may sound like a pretty tough challenge—and you may be under the impression that it’s a book filled with patterns for throw pillows and scrunchies—but it offers a surprisingly wide variety of patterns. They’re divided into 10 chapters, which include everything from home décor to toys, bags to accessories. And they’re not just the same old patterns, either. Sure, there are patterns for bags and pillows. There are skirts and jumpers for little girls, too. But the designs are often unexpected—with cute little pleats or pockets in just the right places. There are also a number of surprising designs. In fact, one of my favorite projects in the book is one that I never would have thought of: a file cabinet cover, to give a little bit of style to those ugly old filing cabinets.
Each pattern comes with detailed directions and illustrations—and while some of the simpler, more straightforward designs only give measurements (and guidelines for cutting your fabric), many also include a paper pattern, which is tucked away in a pocket inside the book’s front cover. Most of the designs look surprisingly easy to make, too (even for a newbie, like me)—though I can’t say for sure, since they don’t come with a difficulty rating (which is my only major complaint).
In addition to a great collection of patterns, though, One-Yard Wonders also offers a whole section of tips, tricks, and how-tos. And if you’re still relatively new to sewing (like I am), it’s a handy guide. You’ll learn about everything from equipment to types of fabric to following a pattern. You’ll even learn how to make your own bias tape. And that makes One-Yard Wonders more than just a pretty pattern book—it’s also a decent reference book.
Beautifully photographed in an array of gorgeous fabrics, the 101 one-yard designs in One-Yard Wonders are sure to inspire even the most reluctant of seamstresses. They’ll make great gifts, too—so if you’re looking for some great suggestions for last-minute handmade gifts, run right out and pick up a copy.