In 2016, Illumination Entertainment took a break from Minion movies to explore the daily adventures of New...
Kristin Dreyer Kramer has been writing in some form or another (usually when she was supposed to be doing something else) since the ripe old age of ten—when she, her cousin, and their two Cabbage Patch Dolls formed the Poo Authors’ Club. After a short career in advertising, Kristin got sick of always saying nice things about stuff that didn’t deserve it—so now she spends her days criticizing things, and she’s much happier for it.
Since creating in February of 2002, Kristin has spent her life surrounded by piles and piles of books and movies—so many that her office has become a kind of entertainment obstacle course.
As if her writing and editing responsibilities for N& weren’t enough to keep her out of trouble, Kristin also hosts a number of weekly radio shows: Reel Discovery, Shelf Discovery, and On the Marquee. She’s also a proud member of the Broadcast Film Critics Association (, the Central Ohio Film Critics Association (, the Online Film Critics Society (, and the Women Film Critics Circle (
Kristin lives in Columbus, Ohio, with her husband, Paul, and their daughter, Anna. She welcomes questions, comments, and fan mail at
Each year, many crimes go unsolved—an alarming number, really—buried in secrets and lies and cover-ups. And in...
Many of us have that one childhood friend—the friendship that everyone expected would eventually turn into something...
In 2014, legendary movie monster Godzilla stomped back into theaters in a big, bold way
The story of Cinderella has been told over and over again—in all kinds of different styles and...
No matter what movies and sitcoms may suggest, no family is perfect. Every family has its issues,...
The teen years are often jam-packed with emotions—the highs and lows of friendships and plans for the...
The summer of 1969 was filled with historic events—from the moon landing to Woodstock. It was also...
Since audiences were first introduced to
Now that you’ve had some time to digest all of the noise and superstars and box office...