Hidden Assassins begins with the gruesome discovery of a body in Seville, Spain’s municipal dump. But this...
Since I have family members with bipolar disorder, I was excited to finally have a handbook for...
The newest novel involving David Baldacci’s Camelot Club is a fun and entertaining read. The story begins...
The comments I read about this book prior to opening the cover made me very curious about...
Twenty-seven-year-old Sasha Salter has everything going for her. She’s started her career filming a children’s television show,...
Cyber Cinderella is the story of Izobel Brannigan, an average girl who works for a public relations...
Not being someone who has ever put much thought into my dreams, I found this book and...
Players: 2-4 (ages 5+) Playing Time: 10 minutes Alfredo’s Food Fight! is a great little game to...