Kelly Kelly lewist January 5, 2008 It was four o’clock, and it was midnight already. It had been midnight for more than a...Read More
Matinee Matinee lewist December 1, 2007 “How long do you think it’ll last, Bobby?” Alice asked him, glancing at their parents. They were...Read More
Chair Chair lewist November 17, 2007 The chair is the object of my attention. The room is nearly bare. Through the window falls...Read More
Prison Prison lewist November 3, 2007 He didn’t have much of a chance, he knew, but he had to give it a try....Read More
Salt Salt lewist October 13, 2007 Leonora sat on the porch cradling her bosom in her big white arms. The twilight dashed itself...Read More
Erda Erda lewist September 8, 2007 On the last day Mrs. Baker walked through her house smashing all the machines. She used her...Read More
Secret Name Secret Name lewist August 18, 2007 “I hate my name,” Gladys told him after three drinks at the singles bar where they had...Read More