If it weren’t for that double-shot caramel macchiato with extra whip, I wouldn’t be in this mess....
Jerry Milligan entered the vacant elevator and pushed the “down” button as the doors swooshed shut. Thank...
Sheriff Al Chambers here. On December 20, we took Norman Bates into custody for the murder of...
‘Twas the night before murder, I entered the house, Phyllis Dietrichson lived there; her spouse was a...
Present day. Rick Blaine is President of the United States, and Iran has declared war on America....
One of the greatest filmmakers of all time, Alfred Hitchcock wasn’t called the Master of Suspense for...
The “girls” from Some Like It Hot are back! Josephine and Daphne, those glitzy babes who ca
There’s a character in the film Gone With the Wind that’s always neglected when the movie is...
I’m one of those people who likes to dabble in bubblegum voodoo. That’s what I call popular...
Mama is a movie buff. Not just your run-of-the-mill movie buff, but an avid, fanatical, die-hard movie...