In the first season of Lost, an airplane crashes in the South Pacific, stranding survivors on an...
Gothic meets mystery in Christopher Fowler’s The Victoria Vanishes. Senior Detectives Arthur Bryant and John May are...
I should have known better than to start Carrie Lofty’s What a Scoundrel Wants an hour before...
Reading Divine Justice made me rethink the possibility of using coal as an energy source. It may...
Carrie Lofty is a major source of inspiration. She started out selling to the ebook market and...
After reading Living with the Dead, I’ve added Kelley Armstrong to my list of can’t-miss authors. She...
I’m always a bit nervous when I pick up a self-published novel. I know that there’s a...
I’ve learned that I have to be in the right mood to listen to Celine Dion’s music....