Haunted by her mother’s suicide and the fear that she’ll follow in her mother’s footsteps, Clarissa King...
Book five in Darren Shan’s Demonata series left Grubbs Grady in the aftermath of a brutal betrayal,...
All around us are gateways to hell. We can’t see them, but demons can, and they use...
If I’m hungry for an ordinary hero—a guy who has no special abilities but is still willing...
Showtime’s Dexter feels like a guilty pleasure. You aren’t really supposed to like a guy who chops...
My brother and I often find our conversations drifting toward someone long dead. And it’s usually around...
In the kingdom of Berengeny, a place in the south, William of Almsley is born. Berengeny doesn’t...
Embarrassed and angry after losing her muse, “Maddie”—on The Oprah Winfrey Show, no less—Amy Burns goes in...
Carson Philips is known as Magellan’s witch, and she’s been under the mage’s command for as long...
At the tender age of eighteen, Bella Swan has decided her fate. She will marry Edward Cullen...