La’tiera has spent her life locked away from the world. Her only human contact is with her...
Felix Castor decides to return to exorcising demons and ghosts, since it’s what he seems to be...
After working late at the office, Christine Vargas heads home. Distracted by her thoughts and the rough...
Georgiann Baldino has a style like no other. Her stories are quirky and just plain fun to...
Hawthorne is a little town, just outside Salem, Massachusetts. It tries to hide the role it played...
While the NSA (National Security Agency) and CI (Central Intelligence)—agencies that are supposed to be protecting the...
The only thing the wizard Thraxis has ever wanted is to be left alone to live his...
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated with ancient Egypt and the mystery surrounding...
On a cold night in November, the police find Elissa Pappas dead in an open field. The...