After her high-society husband trades her in for a younger model, Reggie Cutter finds herself leaving Chicago...
Telling Stories
Basic – and not-so-basic – fiction
I’ve been long intrigued by Sophie Kinsella’s Shopaholic books—but I was reluctant to pick up a copy
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde have a place in English language that is second to none. Lots...
The Princess Bride (in movie form) is one of those cross-genre films that everyone loves—it’s a comedic,...
The Dragon Laird by Deborah Lynne is quite easily the best fantasy romance book I’ve read in...
The last time I read The Great Gatsby was for a lit class in college. I remember...
Only the most determined Lord of the Rings fan will make it through this Middle Earth history,...
It’s quite hard to define the genre of this book. It’s an English Victorian-era drawing room comedy...
My decade-old mass-market copy of this novel was just about to bite the dust, so I was...
While traveling back to England after closing yet another case, Agatha Christie’s famous detective Hercule Poirot once...