When I started knitting, way back in the early part of the century, I inadvertently joined The...
Movie News
Set in 1990s London, Color Me Kubrick is a “true-ish” film about flamboyant con man and barfly...
It began years ago, when an American doctor with a serious aversion to dust forced his assistant...
While watching Avatar: The Last Airbender (Book 2: Earth, Volume 1) on DVD, I felt like I...
After the death of his grandmother, Lars Torvik (Stephen Pelinski) looks back on his grandmother’s life and...
In the year 2027, humans are no longer capable of reproducing. It’s been eighteen years since a...
On the last day of his winter vacation, all Troy Bolton (Zac Efron) wants to do is...
After her father dies and her mother (Ariadna Gil) remarries, Ofelia (Ivana Baquero) is moved to a...