Sports Night, an Emmy award-winning television show, entertained audiences for two seasons before being cancelled because it...
Movie News
SHAR-R-R-O-O-N!!! Ah, what a familiar sound that has become to the legion of fans who watch the...
Gods and Generals is the second part of the Ted Turner-produced Civil War trilogy (it’s the prequel...
I was just going to turn the TV off and get some stuff done when something happened...
The first time I saw Men in Black, I was expecting the standard action-adventure sci-fi flick, a...
A wise man once laid out three rules on which to base your life: Never get less...
Since it wasn’t very clearly marked on the video itself, I’ll warn you right off that this...
Looking for a little outrageous entertainment this weekend? Tired of mainstream film and movie conglomerates? Then pick...