MOBRIDGE, SD Nick Edwards was always known as the tough guy—the kind who always lived on the...
In 2012, Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill teamed up for a buddy cop comedy remake of TV’s...
When a film is bumped from a high-profile release date (like Christmas) to a notoriously dry time...
“The sun will rise in the morning. I’m going to have a drink at six. That’s my...
Whether he’s writing drama or mystery or supernatural suspense, Michael Koryta is a reliable author—one who never...
After dancing his way into movie-lovers’ hearts in 1983’s Risky Business, Tom Cruise rocketed to A-list status—and...
Long before Eddie Murphy remade The Nutty Professor in the ‘90s, there was Jerry Lewis—the talented writer,...
In 2012, Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane had a box office hit with his quirky crude comedy,