In her first three crime novels, author Sophie Littlefield’s middle-aged tough-girl, Stella Hardesty, has taken on a...
Deep down, every mother dreams of having the perfect family: the perfect marriage, paired with happy, successful...
Not planning on a trip to your friendly neighborhood super-multiplex this week? Check out one of this...
Players: 2-4 (ages 8+) Playing Time: 15 minutes If your kids are into destroying each other’s pillow...
HOLLYWOOD, CA It isn’t exactly breaking news to point out that everyone in Hollywood appears to have...
One of my favorite types of mysteries is the historical mystery. Author Eleanor Kuhns’s A Simple Murder...
This week in theaters, you’ll find rock stars and unfit parents, along with some intriguing indies.
Okay…I know you’ve got two questions to ask right off the bat: 1) Who is Michael Chapman,...
Start another summer weekend off right with the latest downloads. You’ll find them all right here!
Pages: 41 Goes Well With: Carolina BBQ and a cold glass of sweet iced tea Some of...