At some point, each one of us has had to write a poem. In most cases, it...
As a result of a gunshot wound to the head a year ago, defense attorney Carling Dent...
It’s a huge week for new releases! If you’re working on building up your Blu-ray collection, you’ll...
Natalie Portman has had a remarkably diverse career. Even before her 30th birthday, she’s already done comedy,...
When a film focuses on touchy topics like war and religion, it’s easy to resort to finger-pointing...
There’s just something about the coming of a new baby that inspires even the most frantic knitters...
Summer is a time for romance…for weddings…and for breezy romantic comedies. But if you’re looking for all...
Finally! After another long winter, the flowers are blooming, and the summer blockbusters are returning to your...