Rudy Harrington, a sixty-year-old widower, is trying to find the meaning of life…his life. Is there any...
When Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey starred together in the lovable chick flick,
I’ve been on some strange road trips before—but none of them were nearly as strange (yet strangely...
You might love him. You might hate him. Or maybe you just tolerate him. But you can’t...
It’s funny how TV shows and movies from the late eighties and early nineties are starting to...
What happens when a man moves across country and tells his girlfriend that he doesn’t want a...
Angels on Crusade is one of those novels I’d heard a lot of noise about before I...
When my brother asked me if I wanted to borrow the first season of Heroes on DVD,...
Lana Hancock survived one of the most horrific situations that a person can experience: captivity by terrorists
Veena was dead, but what really bothered her was that no one took her seriously. They insisted...