Everyone’s heard the stories about the infamous creature that roams the Loch Ness in Scotland. We’ve all...
Due to a stroke, Clive Parisi lost his short-term memory. He can remember things that happened fifty...
Last year, Guillermo del Toro scared the living daylights out of daring subtitle readers in his Oscar-winning
It’s tough to go wrong with Miles Davis and Live at the 1963 Monterey Jazz Festival is...
Blues and rock guitar legends, with a few country and jazz artists mixed in, congregated in the...
Every year, movies seem to get bigger, bolder, and more extravagant. Each movie seems to try to...
In 1935, racism and segregation permeated the South. Yet, at Wiley College, a small African American school...
While on duty one afternoon, 25-year-old lifeguard Lars (Nils Jørgen Kaalstad) is shocked to see Hans (Henrik...
Over the last few years, Judd Apatow has become the king of outrageous comedy in Hollywood. Almost...