Have you ever laughed so hard it hurt? Sure you have. Have you ever laughed so hard...
In this fantasy about the relationship between Mary Magdalen and Jesus Christ, Mary’s life begins on the...
Has it really been 20 years since the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles first became cool? It must...
The Bride of Black Douglas is an excellent romance novel. It is well written, romantic, and fairly...
Addison McGhee is a successful television host, but that wasn’t always the case. Addison began life as...
Spanning the 1953-1954 school year, Mona Lisa Smile chronicles the classic tale of a teacher’s struggle to...
One day, out of the blue, my niece (who, I believe, was four at the time) announced,...
Best known for his starring role in a movie with Ashley Judd, he hasn’t actually worked in...