It’s another hectic holiday season in Tinker’s Cove, Maine. But Lucy Stone, a reporter for the town’s...
Finally there’s a movie for all seasons—combining the action of a summer blockbuster with the heartfelt cheer...
It’s been quite a while since I was especially thrilled by a Tom Cruise movie, so I...
I got dragged to the dreaded 25th high school reunion on Thanksgiving weekend. I didn’t want t
“I slept in the garage the night he died, and I broke all of the goddamn windows...
So many have written in about how lonely and depressing it is to be single during the...
This dark comedy stars Nicole Kidman and Matthew Broderick as Joanna Eberhart and Walter Kresby, a couple...
The disc opens with a big band songo style instrumental of “Jingle Bells” featuring stunning trumpet stylings...
Perri Klass has been knitting since before it was cool. She knit through high school, into med...
KANSAS, OK Dan Simmons has announced that he really doesn’t care about his “really great friendship” with...