Released in American theaters in 1994, The Shawshank Redemption is a movie about a convicted murderer who...
Recently I was visiting a friend and went upstairs to use her bathroom facilities. Her husband had...
I was really excited to see the new Planet of the Apes. Really. I was. I hadn’t...
If you’re looking for historical accuracy, this might not be the right movie for you. But i
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away… The Death Star has been destroyed. The...
Players: Two Playing Time: Ten minutes per round If you like games that combine a lot of...
December 7, 1941 – It Was A Sunday Morning… Pearl Harbor is the story of two best...
Remember reading about General Custer at the Little Big Horn in your high school history class? The...
Becoming a filmmaker takes much more than just passion. It takes hard work, supportive friends and family,...
A low rumbling escapes the speakers, soft guitar comes in overhead, strings are plucked rhythmically, a steady...