With each new installment in the Orphan X series, author Gregg Hurwitz takes former government operative turned do-gooder Evan Smoak (a.k.a. the Nowhere Man) on another action-packed and personally challenging mission. And in the ninth book in the series, Lone Wolf, Evan continues to struggle with professional—but also personal—dilemmas.
The story finds the former black ops assassin taking on a different kind of mission
Unabridged Digital Audiobook
Runtime: 12 hours, 41 minutes
Read by Laura Bell Bundy
Our first love can be exciting and invigorating—but it can also be absolutely devastating when it comes to an end. And in the audio edition of The Trouble with Drowning by author Heather Hach, a difficult breakup causes a young woman to spiral into mental illness.
The story begins as aspiring writer Kat Lamb meets
In Inheritance, the first book in her Lost Bride trilogy, author Nora Roberts took readers to a stately manor that’s still home to generations of its former residents—and one greedy witch, who’s set on keeping it all to herself. And in the follow-up, The Mirror, the battle for Poole Manor rages on.
The story returns to the town of Poole’s
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