Ring in the New Year with more Royal news:
Wii wish you a Merry Christmas
Prince William gave brother Prince Harry a highly coveted and sought-after Nintendo Wii video game console for Christmas. Now it would appear that William’s got an inside source at Nintendo. In 1991 when he was hospitalized after being hit by a golf club, Nintendo sent the prince a Game Boy.
Okay, I can’t let this go. My kid wanted a Nintendo Wii for Christmas. That’s all the kid wanted. My husband and I tried and tried, but there was not one to be had. I even made a trip to Nintendo World in New York, where I was told that if I had arrived before 5:00 a.m., I might have stood a chance at getting a Wii. I pleaded with Nintendo employees to let me order one, but no. Nope. No Nintendo Wii for my kid. We went home Wii-less.
Don’t worry, Prince Harry. There are disappointed kids everywhere who wanted a Wii and didn’t get one. But your loving brother made it a priority to find you one (“Hello, Nintendo? This is Prince William…”) so you don’t have to worry, now, do ya?
Charles’ and Camilla’s New Haunt
Remember last month I told you Charles and Camilla bought a new holiday home, Llwynywormwood, in Wales? The good news is Charles has agreed to rent out the house to the public. The bad news is the estate doesn’t have such a great history. In 1845, two girls died in a house fire on the estate. In the 1930’s, a boy drowned in a lake on the property. Also, the father of a former owner was crushed to death in a pit on the estate when a tractor fell on top of him. In 1997 a farmer from a neighboring farm died when he crashed into a stone wall on the estate.
There are rumors of ghosts roaming Llwynywormwood, but no one’s been able to confirm any sightings.
So get in line to reserve your vacation. No pushing, no shoving; line forms to the left.
Fashion Citation
Here’s a surprise. Camilla was named one of the Worst Dressed for 2006 on Richard Blackwell’s infamous list. She came in second place behind Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, who tied for first place. Blackwell, who referred to Camilla as “Duchess Dowdy,” said, “In feathered hats that are once the rage, she resembles a petrified parakeet from the Jurassic Age. A royal wreck.”
Camilla is no stranger to Mr. Blackwell’s list. She held sixth place in 1995 and even topped the list in 1994.
In her defense, Camilla is nothing if not consistent.
Good News, Jeanne
I received an email from a reader recently, distraught over a rumor that Prince Harry was going to be sent to the front lines of Iraq. Fear not, dear reader. A good source has it that the Palace has told Harry he can’t go the front lines because he would be a “prime target for trigger-happy fanatics” seeking the ultimate “trophy scalp.” Not to mention the risk to his colleagues-at-arms.
Harry was a bit piqued, as he is anxious to prove himself and doesn’t want his military training to be all for naught, but word has it he’s gradually coming around to the Palace’s way of thinking. Gee, ya think?
It’s okay, Harry. All is not lost. You can put your uniform on and join in the parades around the Palace.
Up in Smoke
Prince Harry has made a New Year’s resolution to quit smoking. Seems the lad’s been smoking a pack a day since he was 14 years old, but has maintained, even through his military training, the nasty habit hasn’t had any bad effects on his health or fitness. The reason for the resolution: the Army is putting a ban on smoking in all barracks starting in March, and Harry’s trying to get a jump on it.
No effects from smoking? I’d like to see this guy run for a train because he’s late for work and not wheeze his lungs out. But I don’t suppose that will ever happen. Trains? Work? Huh?
There’s that Word Again
The end of 2006 has once again shown Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall to be the least-hardest working Royal. Her official duties average nine and a half days a month. But Camilla’s friends say the Duchess is not “workshy”; rather, she sees her primary role as supporting Prince Charles. Prince Charles’ private secretary has maintained that, apart from security expenses (Camilla spends a lot of time at her private home, Raymill House, at a cost of £1.8 million a year) Camilla only costs the taxpayers an extra £2,000 a year.
Well, yeah, if she doesn’t do anything…
Gastrointestinal Woes
Last month I told you that Camilla missed a tour of a Christmas pudding factory due to a bout of stomach flu. Well, a month later, she’s still milking this cow, because she’s had to cancel her first royal engagement of the New Year. She’s missing the opening of the Health Sciences building at the University of Aberdeen’s medical school, as well as a tour of the building that is a major disease research center.
Now Camilla, dear, if they can’t help you with your ailments, who can? Pop some Imodium and get on with it.
Do As I Say, Not As I Do
Hey, great news. Charles and Camilla are set to visit the United States on January 27 for a two-day visit. (You can imagine my excitement.) The Prince is to receive Harvard Medical School’s Global Environmental Citizen Award in New York. Actress Meryl Streep and former Vice President Al Gore are to bestow the honors. Recipients of this award are honored for their work in highlighting global environmental change. Prince Charles says he plans to make his household more environmentally friendly by cutting down on private plane and helicopter usage and encouraging staffers to use bicycles.
So how will the Royal Couple get across the pond, you ask? Why, by chartering their own plane and adding their own carbon emissions to the atmosphere, of course.
Can’t they just mail Charles the award?
A Woman of Virtue
Not to be outdone, Camilla herself heads a list of Honorary Fellows by the Council of King’s College London. Recipients of this fellowship, which include a steel magnate and a financier, are honored for displaying “virtue in fields outside academic life.”
Some things I just don’t get.
Which brings us to this month’s quote of the month, attributed to journalist Peter McKay: “Isn’t it grand that staying the course over decades as a royal mistress is now deemed a world class achievement worthy of academic recognition!”
What is there left for me to say? See you next month.