Well, I got one right…and a big one! I knew that if Opie found out that Clay was behind Donna’s murder, he would begin to put his life back together and become a voice of reason for the club. That’s exactly what is happening. Why doesn’t he just leave the club? He and Jax grew up in SAMCRO and it’s all they know. Now that Gemma’s assault is out in the open, Chibs has come clean, and Jax is back in the chapter, what’s left? Plenty!
Will Tara keep her job or become the official unlicensed physician for SAMCRO? She realizes that if you’re associated with the club, it’s all or nothing. Just ask Chief Unser. That’s why she gave Jax a different type of ultimatum-not she or the club; but she and the club, forsaking all others.
Also, did Opie scare Agent Stahl enough that she stops using innocent people as bait? We’ll see.
Of course the big issue here is unraveling Zobelle’s dirty little secret. He manipulates the skinheads in prison and white supremacists on the outside, playing on their ideology. Like his Lieutenant Weston, he uses them to do his dirty work, all the while making deals with the Mayans to further his own personal gain and financial worth.
Sadly, Tuesday is the last episode of Season 2 and there should be a lot of bloodshed and emotion flooding the town of Charming. Will Zobelle be driven out, or are there more surprises in store for us? I can’t wait to find out!