I mistakenly thought that “finale” met final episode. Thankfully, I was wrong. I have one more day to figure out what to obsess over once the season is over. Yes, next Tuesday is the final episode of the season.
Tara took some cues from Gemma and kicked some serious butt. I even felt that punch. Ms. Hospital Administrator shouldn’t mess with her anymore. Then again, Agent Stahl apparently didn’t learn her lesson.
Zobelle is safe for now. He knew that admitting to being in possession of heroin and spending some time behind bars would be a lot safer than a face-to-face with Jax Teller. With Zobelle’s money he could be out in a couple of hours, and that will give him time to re-group. Then again, he’s a lot safer in jail. Unless, of course, he’s transferred to County and the word gets out to the skinheads that instead of “white” he only sees “green”. He may have to ask Alvarez for a lot of favors.
Will SAMCRO finally get its revenge? We’ll find out Tuesday night.